Curious about church?

Curious about church?

Enjoyed coming to St Paul’s this Christmas?

Pop in again this January to explore St Paul’s and the Christian faith.

Starting with coffee & pastries at 10:30am, followed by a short talk, questions & discussion, ending at 11:15am.

We will look at the font, the lectern and the altar, key places in any church, each a focus for Christian life.

⭐Saturday, 11 January – The font – Baptism: beginning the journey of faith

Saturday, 18 January – The lectern – Bible: the God who speaks

Saturday, 25 January – The altar – Holy Communion: remembering Jesus

Free events. Everyone welcome – especially if you don’t usually come to church. It would be helpful if you could let us know you’re coming here, or otherwise feel free to just come along on the day.