
‘Everything comes from you, O Lord, and of your own have we given you.’
(1 Chronicles 29:14)

Our parish simply could not run without the time, energy and financial support of its members. Thank you indeed to everyone who already supports us in one of these ways.

People have a range of skills and gifts and at varying times of their lives are able to offer different amounts of time and energy to parish life. Similarly, people’s financial commitments change throughout their lives. However large or small, all contributions are valued and appreciated.

People in the parish can testify to the fact that becoming a regular giver and making out a monthly standing order can change your life. It can take your commitment to your faith to a new and deeper level.

Each year we are asked to review our giving and consider whether we can afford to increase it. Giving on a regular basis is particularly helpful, because it means the parish can plan for the future.

If you’re willing to become a regular giver, or want to review what you already give, please set up a standing order from your bank account or use a numbered envelope.

If you are a taxpayer, please complete a gift aid declaration as well.

Click here to make a one-off or a regular donation >

Or, click here to download the Joyful Giving leaflet or here to request forms.

For more information, please contact the parish treasurer, Tim Stannard,, 01962 855871.

Anything you discuss will be treated in confidence. Although the clergy know who gives regularly so they can send thank-you letters, they make a point of not knowing how much any individual gives.