Welcome to St Matthew’s and St Paul’s

We are a friendly, inclusive and vibrant Anglican parish for all ages in the heart of Winchester. Jesus’ disciples followed him day by day. We, too, are pilgrims on a life-changing journey. If you are new to the area or to church, we’d love you to join us!

Sunday 9 February The fourth Sunday before Lent / the fifth Sunday after Epiphany
9.30am St Paul’s Holy Communion
11.15am St Matthew’s [BCP] Mattins
4-4.30pm St Paul’s Bubble Church

Wednesday 12 February
11am St Matthew’s [BCP] Holy Communion

MInistry Coordinator vacancy

RSS Daily Bible Reading

  • SUN, 9 February
    Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Do not be afraid; from now on it is people you will be catching.” Then, bringing their boats back to land, Simon and his companions left everything and followed him. (Luke 5:1-11)