Work starts on St Matthew’s toilet

Work has just begun on the second phase of the building project at St Matthew’s. A new toilet will make attending services more comfortable – and replace the existing semi-underground composting WC. The new extension will include a baby-changing unit as well as facilities for flower arranging and storage. A second exit from the church will improve fire safety.

Since August the building has been shrouded in scaffolding as builders have re-tiled the roof and improved insulation. At ground level there have been internal changes to create a kitchenette and a community meeting space. Click here to see pictures of the work so far and here for more details.

Imaginative plans are in hand to open the church for wider community use. These include materials for self-guided tours and resource packs for schools as well as a research project involving local historians.

The St Matthew’s congregation is actively planning a range of celebratory activities when the building work is finished in spring next year. These could include a flower festival and an art exhibition. There are also plans for occasional musical evenings and regular community meetings. Anyone with further suggestions as to how the church could be used is invited to e-mail the parish office.

Bishop Tim Dakin, the Bishop of Winchester, will preach at a special celebratory service at 11.15 am on Sunday 12 March. Everyone is most welcome.